Hepititus C

I learned from an employed diesel mechanic that he has hepititus C. He works everyday and is under treatment currently. What do I do? I understand the importance of privacy in medical matters. I also have a mechanic that is an EMT and serves as our first responder. I feel he should know about the employee's condition. I also have thought about any other employee that may have contact through their employment with this person; people get small cuts all the time on knuckles, etc., it is not at all unreasonable to think other workers might come into contact with contaminated blood from a cut finger.

Maybe I should get with him and find out what he has been told by his doctor on how to care for a wound and how to help in keeping others from possible contamination.

The issue with me is how far does privacy go? I know it is a serious issue.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 11-14-02 AT 01:05PM (CST)[/font][p]You should contact your local public health department and find out what information they have on Hepatitis C in the work environment. Perhaps they can resolve your concerns or give you directon on what if anything you as an employer should do, especially in any responsibility toward ensuring the privacy of medical status compared to "protecting" your employees and the public you serve. Since you appear to be in the emergency response "industry", I assume there may be particular laws and regulations that apply to you as an employer that don't apply to most employers.
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