Contagious Employee - Please Help

I was approached today by one of the office managers who made the following comment. "One of my employee's brother has a highly contagious version of strep throat and the employee is here today,can I send her home? I said, of course she could send her home, but she would have to pay her for the day. (This employee did not want to go home). The manager told me that the company was not responsible for paying this person for the day. I disagreed with her. I don't think there is a labor law stating that we have to pay her, but the company is sending an employee home, who does not want to leave. Does anyone have an answer. Thanks
I am glad the employee did not want to go home. But see what you do to a good employee by sending them home because their brother is sick, and then not pay them! You will do more harm to your work environment than anything else. If I am the employee I show up every day, and had better get paid. I would not use up my sick leave because a supervisor thinks they are a doctor when I might actually need it down the road.
While I understand the supervisor's concern, someone with a cold could actually infect more people than someone with strep in the office.
Oh well there goes my 2 cents worth.
Why would you punish an employee who wants to work? Maybe the supervisor has other "issues" with this employee?
Also, by sending the poor guy home you might be forcing him into greater exposure with the sick brother. Could be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Next we could see a new PRE-FMLA leave law for people who are not sick yet but know a guy who is sick and so they need to take leave.