Workers over the age of 55

I'm asking this question for my sister, a post master for the US Postal Service. An employee is claiming she can't be required to do her route in the evaluated hours and that her route can't be cut to make it smaller, because she is now over 55.

Does anyway know of any employee laws, rules, regs, etc. in this regards? Could the postal system be this different being quasi-government? Thanks for any help you can give.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • My brother works for the US Postal Service and they are always reconfiguring their routes based on "mail count". Based on this, routes can be cut and pay reduced. This doesn't have anything to do with age, etc. Also, there is nothing different about being 55 than being over 40. Once you hit the big Four Oh!, you are in a protected class, but it doesnt' get any better than that!
  • If I were the postmaster and had no clue what she means by this, I would ask her to show me where in the contract this is stated. Maybe a call to a more seasoned fellow postmaster would clear this up for your sister. Interesting. Let us know.
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