Very new HR Dept in small company needs HELP...
We have a very new employee, hasn't even finished training yet. This person called in monday and left a voicemail stating she was at the hospital with medical issues. We have tried to reach her. We have left a voicemail at home to see if she is ok. We have had no response from her. Where do we go from here?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If you have a handbook, I presume it would say, "Any employee who is absent from work for three consecutive days without notifying the Company will be presumed to have resigned, and employment will be terminated unless failure to do so is for good reason."

    I would terminate this employee and, if or when you hear from her I would then make a management decision on documentation provided whether to reinstate her.
  • DITTO. It's the individual's responsibility to let you know what's going on with the fact that they are not at work. You should not have to run them down to find out if they intend to come back to work. I would just send a letter of termination spelling out that you unsuccessfully tried to contact them and have no choice but to fill their position.
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