Leave Without Pay

Got an employee who wants to attend training, she is not eligible for vacation, can't use her sick leave and yes we have already approved her for other training at the end of the year. Basically she is requesting to take 2 days LWOP. Rewrote the policy manual this year, but did not include LWOP Policy except in the FMLA policy. There had been one previously. We encourage seeking educational opportunities always. But you must have the time to be able to attend the training. I have denied this employee but wanted to find out if I should have. Help!!!!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't think it is a mistake to deny the time off. Especially if you think others may ask for the same consideration.

    But if the training is something that will help her in her job, and the company wants her to attend, the company can consider letting her go. The company can always publish a change to the policy to allow some leave without pay for training, but again if you think others will want it and it may cause operation problems, stick to the denial.

    Good Luck!
  • Plano, remember that you can always do better for the employee than what your policy allows. This sounds like a win - win situation for both the company and the employee. However, if the training is going to enhance the individual skill or worth to the company why would you not just keep her on the clock and pay her for the rewarding and beneficial education? In our company, we send people to school and put them on the clock! Pork
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