organizational chart

I'm trying to pull together an organzational chart by tomorrow. Anyone know any good websites that I could browse through to get some ideas? I do have one question for the forum. When you are doing an organizational chart, should you include all job titles that report to a particular position or just the management ones. For instance, the position is Director of Services. I have put all 5 of his managers under his square in their own individual squares. Now do I put all titles of the people who report to the 5 managers in their respective squares including secretaries or just supervisory level. Thanks.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Our organization chart shows all positions. I guess it depends on the purpose of the chart. Sometimes only management is needed. Better design it for your audience.

    Good luck!
  • Our organizational chart shows the president down to the front office staff.
  • I also include all positions on our Org. charts, but as noted, check your audience. I use mine constantly to help track positions, vacancies etc. We have software. .(OrgPlus) that is really cool and pretty much does the work for you. Awfully short notice, but you may get something from their web page. .I think it is
  • I've used OrgPlus in the past, and it is excellent.

    The president of my current employer views org charts with some suspicion, so we don't do them here. ;)

    I thought that might change when I had to testify in a wrongful discharge hearing that the discharged employee was hired by Mark, received her day-to-day assigments from Shannon, was reviewed by Wayne, got approvals for vacation and time off from Karen, and was counseled by me.

    Many, many chiefs.
  • I use OrgPlus too! It IS an excellent and inexpensive (maybe $35) charting program. It has some amazing possibilities such as formatting how your boxes line up in different arrangements and also allows you to shade or color boxes, add text, run dotted or solid lines, changes publication date each time you print it out, etc. I put all the salaried people on the breakout charts by department. Our chart set has about 12 sheets starting with the overall organization page that shows only VPs and officers down to the departmental level showing all staff by name and position title. It not only projects the organizations makeup to any reviewer; it also allows HR to track open positions and such. I have even begun requiring a copy of an org chart from any vendor I am considering using. Its a good "contact tree" and says a lot about the company.
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