Holiday Parties and Alcohol

Its getting towards that time of year again when Holiday Parties start to happen and the question arises: To Have or Not to Have Alcohol at the Holiday Party.

Does your Holiday Party serve alcohol or not?

If you do serve alcohol, have you ever had an employee drive home drunk and get pulled over or worse? Do you have an outside bartender serving it?

Your thoughts and opinions, please!


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If you look in the archives there was a thread a few months back on this same topic. I think it was called "alcohol @ company functions". It had lots of good ideas and suggestions.
  • I just went through a lengthy set of discussions about this with our in-house attorney. The Managing Director in one of our offices is new and was pretty nervous about having alcohol at an office party, especially since it was held in a location where taking public transportation was impossible.

    Bottom line is... if you choose to have alcohol served, you're totally at risk. However, you can take certain precautions to minimize that risk(like arranging hotel rooms or car services) so that people don't have to drive home. A reminder to your staff before the party starts about being responsible wouldn't hurt either.
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