Use of Company Autos

We have about six fleet cars that are owned and maintained by our Association for employees to use when they are traveling to and from off-site work-related meetings/workshops. We have a checkout system wherein employees use an Excel spreadsheet to note the timeframe they'll need the car. Our policy does not allow the vehicles to be used for personal purposes and the cars must be returned with a full tank of gasoline (to be ready to go for the next employee). However, this is being abused and employees are not returning the cars with gas, taking the cars home at night and in fact using them to go to lunch, or whatever. Any ideas on how we can get a handle on this? Thank you.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Nip this in the bud now - put out a memo stating that after the date of the memo, those who abuse the auto usage will have to use their own personal cars
    from that date on, and stick to your guns !
  • POOL CARS as fleet vehicles with reservation and requirements for maintainence is always a nightmare. Put a central office in charge; set-up the protocal for using the fleet vehicle; hold the central controlling office with the responsibility for maint/service/refueling/reports in writing of dangerous and demand repair items. The lack of control will breed problems as in place now! Personal use is also an Income generator and the payroll department must charge it out to someone. Once that is known the luncheon use will most likely stop unless the are turning in a business luncheon reimbursement for the same day. Good luck Pork
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