
The COO apparently has a drinking problem. I say apparently because he has not been seen 'at work' intoxicated, but he has been intox'd with employees at dinner/bus meetings. His attendance has slipped, and in the mind of the CEO he has compromised his leadership abilities. How do you address performance without addressing the alcohol problem, since it may, or may not, actually be alcoholism? Knowledge of his abuse is widespread - although not didrectly noted at the work place. In an earlier conversation the COO suggested he was aware that alcoholism may be a disability and hinted the co. would pay dearly. The CEO and co want to be fair, but we need to be decisive. Any thoughts?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Assumptions about drinking problems lead to assumptions about alcoholism which may lead to unwise (and inaccurate) assumptions about prior treatment programs. Before you know it, whether or not he has a drinking problem, your perceiving him as such may grant him ADA protection. If he has performance problems, the CEO should deal with them, specifically. If every employee who had ever gotten buzzed with co-workers had what you call 'drinking problems', that would probably cover 80% of us.
  • (I'd admit to being in that 80% :))..Focus on performance, performance, performance. .you already mention attendance. Are duties being completed on time? Job description being met?
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