Performance Reviews- Management right?

During recent labor negotiations, we were presented with a proposal by the union to negotiate what was contained in our Performance Review Form. We were advised that these forms are mandatory nsubjects of negotiation. I responded that this is a management right and was strictly a way to assess employees' abilities and is in no way discriminatory or unfair to anyone. The same form is used by all.
Any thoughts as to whether we would have to negotiate what is contained on a form as this?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't believe you should have to negotiate the content of the form that you use to evaluate employees. However, you may need to negotiate the outcome or the result of what you do with the reviews.

    For example, if the review is used to determine the employee's (which it probably does not in a union setting), then you would probably need to negotiate the method by which the raise is determined.

    If the review is used to determine whether or not a person needs to remain in the job, the decision may be subject to the grievance procedure because it may potentially violate on language in the labor agreement such as the seniority section.

    My guess is that the review is used just to provide feedback on how the employee is doing in his/her job, identifying where they are doing well and identifying areas where improvement is needed. It probably provides the opportunity to discuss how improvement will be achieved. And, it may give the employee opportunity to provide feedback on how he/she thinks things are going and suggestions for improving the operation.
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