
Are there any mandated trainings that an employer in California should be providing to employees? We provide several different trainings in house, but are there any that the State of California requires?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Safety training is a biggie and is part of the Injury and Illness Prevention Plan which is required by Cal-Osha. That's it for "required". From this point on, it is hard to figure out how to accomplish what we need to accomplish without training. In the area of sexual harassment we are expected to prevent harassment. In this, as well as other areas, our organizations can be held to be liable for the actions of our supervisors and managers and they can be held to be personally liable as well. A new regulation (about a year or so ago)creates a situation where, regarding sexual harassment, an employee can be held to be personally liable for harassing another employee. I don't know how we protect our organizations without training. Further, if we do a good job of training it can be a defense in court.
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