Training materials

In our restaurants, we have high turnover. The cost of training booklets and such while not expensive, add up when we have employees whose performance is not up to par within 3 shifts. Once the employee is trained, he/she has no need for the booklets. We would like to minimize printing them. Some of the suggestions that we have include:

~ Putting the training manuals online
* Pros: Cheap for us, can update quickly, employee can access at any time
* Cons: Some employees may no have access to computer or have limited computer skills, kitchen employees will want their training manual in the kitchen with them, only one computer per restaurant.

~ Having 5 or so master manuals that the employee can check out
* Pros: Minimizes our costs, can update when needed, employee can look at manual in leisure on own time.
* Cons: How would we get the manuals back? Could we ask that the employees leave something for collateral or a minimal deposit that he will get back when the manual is returned?

Could we legally ask employees to put down a refundable deposit for training materials?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It sounds like your pro's outweight your con's. The best route would be to put the manuals online and have them review them at work. Unfortunately, they won't be able to do this in the kitchen but then you shouldn't have to worry about the manuals getting destroyed. It also sounds like this would be the most cost effective?

    As far as a deposit, I wouldn't ask for that. You can have them pick up their final check at the resturant and when they do this, ask them to bring the manual with them.
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