Performance Evaluation Review Survey

This is just a quick survey to find out how many HR Departments review an employee's Annual Performance Evaluation BEFORE the Supervisor gives it to the employee.

We currently receive it after its been reviewed with the employee. But because of some recent problems, I would like to propose to senior management a change that the PA must be first reviewed by HR prior to it being given to the employee.

Your thoughts and opinions please ;;)


P.S. This forum is great!


  • 10 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • With only 50 employees, [u]all[/u] evaluations are reviewed by HR and the President before presentation to the employee. Our employees know this is the process and appreciate that the President is interested. What they don't know is that the President has and will impose his opinion over the supervisors. Sometimes good, sometimes not!

  • We have close to 200 employees and I also review every appriasal PRIOR to the supervisor sit down session with the employee. 99.9% of the appraisals are OK - it's the .01 that we all have to worry about.
  • Our process requires that the completed review along with the half sheet which recommends a % increase, be circulated from the reviewing supervisor through that person's supervisor, HR and the CEO with all of us signing off on the increase. I particularly need to review the reviews to ensure some semblance of consistency and integrity in the process. I think your best shot at winning this one is to convince your boss that HR needs to review all entries and statements made on the review itself to ensure there are no glaring potential pitfalls.
  • Our company (50 employees) has HR review all evaluations, for consistency, fairness (to avoid the god or dog ratings), and hopefully to avoid future problems. I find that it is a good communication opportunity with the supervisors.
  • We do not, but the next level supervisor does.
  • HR (me) looks at them before the supervisor meets with the employee. Today, I advised a supervisor that his staff member was put into a 'very good' category and it was obvious from checkig sick leave use that attendance wasn't good at all. We compromised on 'fair'.

    I am always careful to listen to supervisors when I have to call them on something but no one has taken this over my head. (Wouldn't do them any good - I've already checked with the boss.)
  • All evaluations are reviewed by HR and the Director of Operations (top person on site.) They then go to hq and are reviwed by VP/HR, and Co. President. After all that is done and a percentage agreed upon, the signed paperwork is returned and the Supervisor reviews it with the employees. It takes a while but our reviews are more consistent this way and no Supervisor or Manager promises an increase he can't supply. Of course, this is only for salaried and office staff. The plant is union and increases etc. are set by contract.

  • Thank you all for your input.

    Effective today (Hooray!!) we've changed our process so that HR is reviewing the evaluations prior to them going to the employee. It definately helped make my case when I was able to show that this is the way other HR departments handle the review process.

    Many thanks!

  • You know what they say LF, "Be careful what you ask for."
  • I know, I know.... but the amount of indigestion that I've had this week has lead me to buy stock in Tums.

    We've only got 100 employees and 98% of the time I don't have a problem with the reviews that come in. Many times the Manager asks for our input anyway. It's the other 2% (that hit me all at once this week) that's the killer. (:|

    I think I've started Halloween early because I feel like I've been flying around on my broom all week. Maybe next week will be better...

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