What information do we HAVE to provide in Child Support Information Requests

I have a "WAGE and HEALTH BENEFITS REPORT" from Suffolk County CASEB, Support Collection -IEX in Hauppauge NY. This is their title for what other states call a child support information request. I've completed many of these from several different states, but this one is asking for some information I'm not convinced they have a right to. Can anyone shed some light on what we do have to provide these agencies.

In particular, this requests wants the Name, Home Address, Home and Work Telephone numbers of our employee's Emergency Contact. I don't feel we have the right to release that information without the written consent of that emergency contact.

This form also requests that we "Provide the SCU with a copy of printed descriptions of overed servcies available under ALL family (dependent) health care plan you (the Employer) offer to your employees." Two problems with this -we cannot force the employee to take the insurance... and we are at the end of a plan year. I do not know what the new year policies will be.

Thanks for any input,


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • No you can't force the employee to take your company medical coverage, but the court certainly can. They need the specifics of your family medical plan to ascertain the availability of coverage at what cost to the concerned employed parent. Our state Child Support Unit makes the determination as to the cost being to expensive or not. If not to expensive, they order us the company to enroll the employee family member; we then must enroll the employee and family member into the plan and provide insurance cards and SPD to the guardian/parent concerned with the under 18 child. We have had out of state courts order and not realize the employee family member is not able to participate because they can not get to the PPOs for service and the cost then is $400.00 deductable and a 60/40 split. Which then, we have to go through the process of disenrollment. It is then wise for us to provide the information and advice over the phone before we go through the trouble of enrollment. I suggest you call the office and discuss their needs and your concerns. I have found them to be very helpful when we are also helpful. Their main interest is the child and the care thereof. Your interest is likewise, the concerned child and not the "deadbeat mom or dad" your employee. Good Luck Pork
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