liability waiver for interview

We frequently find that candidates for field technician positions interview well and believe themselves to be well suited for our essential job responsibilities only to find after hiring and training them that they're not cut out for climbing ladders, crawling in attics and crawl spaces, working outside year round, etc.

In an effort to better match our candidates with our jobs, we're considering a half or full day ride-along with a field technician as an element of the selection process but we're concerned about liability in the event of a vehicle accident or worksite injury.

Would a liability waiver provide any protection and is there a source for such a document?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Your retained attorney is your source for such an agreement. We have always provided the individual with an opportunity to see the job, the site, the physical labor, and to discuss freely with any employee facts about the job and our company. We do not make an interviewee sign a liability waiver. Whether or not we had a signed piece of paper and the individual was hurt on our property, we would take care of the injury. The best preventive is to have a responsible tour guide in control of the individual and he/she does not put the guest in harm's way. In 31/2 years we have not had an injury, but then our work site may not be as dangerous as yours. The tour is absolutely the right thing to do in order to reduce your misfire in hiring. However, it will not stop them. Good luck, Pork
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