absence- daycare employee due to illness

Need some help please. I want to terminate this employee as she has only worked 86 hours in six weeks beacause of an undertermined illness. She is still in her 90 probationary period and she has recently had a worker's comp claim for her back, but has been cleared by the doctor to return to work and has not come back due to another illness. We would like to term her.Plese give advice.
Thank you


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I see lots of caution flags in your post. Prior to making a decision to terminate, you would want to carefully explore your state's medical leave laws (if there are any), your company policy on sick leave, and come to a clearer understanding of what is going on which causes this absence. You may encounter a comp retaliation or ADA issue along the way if not careful. Would recommend proceding with caution and slowing down a bit in reaching a final decision. Also recommend certified mail at each step along the way as you communicate requests and decisions and policies to him/her.
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