Temporary Workers

What is the criteria for a Temporary Worker (Employee)? I have a worker in our maintenance department who has been employed for more than a year on a Temporary basis...He was hired to do a particular job but he waivers from that job to others as need requires. I'm getting worried that he is crossing the line from a temporary employee to a full time employee. Can someone clarify that for me?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Is he through a temp agency or on your payroll?

    Normally "temporary" employees are hired as interim replacements to temporarily supplement the work force or to assist in the completions of a project. Employment assignments in this category are usually of a limited duration. Since it's been over a year, I would contact your department of labor and ask them (I'm not sure what state you're in). My previous employer made "temp" employees regular after one year of continuous service. At that point they began accruing vacation and were eligible for benefits.

    Good luck.
  • A year doesn't sound too temporary to me. I don't remember all the legal issues involved in the recent hullaballow about temps, but I know it can get ugly. If you subscribe to Louisiana Employment Law Letter, you can find a bunch of information in the subscribers' area of this website.

    James Sokolowski
    Senior Editor
    M. Lee Smith Publishers
  • Alot of this may depend on your benefit plans. It may be that temporary workers are excluded from getting benefits (medical ect.). Usually the plan will define who is included and who is excluded (must work X number of weeks and X number of hours per week).

    It could very well be that he has already crossed that line and should be covered by your plans.

    Good Luck!
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