"In Case of Medical Emergency, Do This"

Do any of you in HR have a policy or a statement that instructs folks of what to do in a medical emergency?
We have the standard postings about where to take someone requiring hospitalization, but most of our medical emergencies are short of that. I.e. person feels too dizzy to work but insists on going to doctor instead of hospital or calling 911; person pulls door over foot and causes bleeding injury to foot, etc.
Usually someone calls HR or our Office Services Coordinator, and we either make sure the employee gets home or to their provider of choice. I've found it really valuable to have these folks the first in line because they are really good at strategizing ("have you called your doctor? oh, they said they'd call back when they could? did you tell them it was an emergency?" etc.) and directing reluctant staff to their health providers when they say "I just want to go home".. But obviously we are not trained medical triage people and walk a fine line in our role of first contact.
However, we are wondering if we should formalize this notification procedure, get some first aid training, etc., etc.
What do others do and how do you make this known to your staff?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Every supervisor, manager and executive has first aid and cpr training at my company. We also have a few members of staff that we train in large departments where supervisors/managers are spread a little thinner. We keep their certification up to date as well.
    As far as 'convincing' people to go to the doctor, etc. well that's harder to do. Maybe it could be addressed in the training sessions?
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