Prepare Affirmative Action Plan

Our Arizona facility has recently gone over 50 employees and I now need to get an Affirmative Action plan written. 2 Questions - Has anyone used a software program that they would recommend? and/or... Any of you in Arizona, can you recommend any consultants that you may have used? (you can answer here or e-mail me directly at [email][/email]. Any help would be most appreciated!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I'm not in AZ, but I can recommend a consultant who does AAP's for companies across the country. She's very reasonable. Call me if you want her name.

    Margaret Morford
  • You also may want to contact your local employer's association and ask for recommendations. We have a plant in Illinois that received AAP assistance from the Illinois Manufactuers Assn.

    Also you might ask around and see if another employer in your area has a Plan that they will let you look at. Except for the numbers that are unique to your organization AAP's can be fairly standard. I used to say that there was only one AAP ever written and everyone else has copied the original with minor changes and their own numbers.

    Good luck.
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