military leave

I have a general manager who is a reservist in the army. This commitment requires his giving two days per month toward his service. My questions: are either or both of these days considered non-paid leave? Is there any problem with allowing him an extra day off immediately following his "duty weekend" as far as fairness among his peers?

Thanks, Fish


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If his regular work schedule includes these weekend days then it should be considered an unpaid leave. If the days he's required to serve fall on his scheduled day(s) off, it does not effect the company.

    I would not get into giving him extra days off following the leave. I think you're going to open up a can of worms with your other employees if you begin this practice.
  • The General Manager is most likely an exempt employee; therefore he/she is salaried and will work 25 hours a day and 8 days a week, when necessary or called upon to serve his company or the military. Being the leader of the company you should leave the leader alone; if he needs extra hours to take care of military business and company business he'll get it done. He is not paid based on 40 hours a week he is paid based on 24 x 7 or 168 hours a week. If there is a leadership issue with the other employees make sure he/she is aware of the issue. Let him/her handle the issue! Best we HRs stay clear of telling management how to handle their business, we should seek his/her guidance and how he/she wants us to respond when it appears that there might be some sort of conflict in standards of conduct or procedures. This military vs private company operations is a hot issue; read up on USERRA before you and or your company get into hot water over the issues. I am sure your GM would not want to take advantage of his/her military service for his own personal gain! Go to [url][/url] an opportunity to get the correct answers to questions in this area of concern. Print these off and give a copy to your GM and seek his/her guidance on the issues. Good luck, Pork
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-20-02 AT 02:23PM (CST)[/font][p]
    I agree with both other posts. Give the manager what the law requires. I've never heard of weekend drill being required on any days other than weekends, one per month, and if those are not his work days, its a non-issue. Regarding the issue of 'allowing him an extra day off immediately following his duty weekend as far as fairness among his peers', there is no way I would recommend going there. Would you do the same for the guy who does Red Cross volunteer work one weekend per month? Or the lady who works at the Ronald McDonald House every third weekend mopping floors and changing sheets? (My wife does that).The employer is under no obligation and it doesn't logically compute with me to give an employee a day off because he didn't get to plan his own activities over the weekend. His drill pay compensates for his giving up the personal side of one weekend per month.
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