Have you heard of WorkFit?

We are a growing healthcare employer that wants to implement pre-employment physicals. After searching the Internet, I found [url]www.ohsinc.com[/url] -- a company that offers pre-placement physicals called WorkFit and says that pre-employment physicals are pretty much worthless. Has anyone heard of this company or Workfit? Is it legitimate?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I think the company is basically a gimmick. Although they are certainly entitled to make a buck (and no doubt they do), I think anything is a gimmick that (1) Provides absolutely no NEW information but just repackages and sells old well-known safety information, (2) Designs their company name to appear government related like they do in mimicking OSHA, and (3) capitalizes on 9/11, the flag flying and other sentiments in advertising their products. They're a very classic example of 'the bandwagon'. Sorry, just my opinion.
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