Peer Evaluations

I am wondering if anyone uses peer evaluations in your organization? I personally don't like using them & would be interested in feedback on the negative or positive of using them. I am also looking for some sample copies if anyone does use them.



  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Jude: I remember this being discussed a few months back. I looked and there it was x:-). The subject is 360 degree appraisals and it was mentioned here on 5/13/02. There are only three comments but Margaret is in favor of it and has some contact info for you posted. Go to the 'search' key and type in 360 degree appraisal and you will locate it.
  • I utilized peer evaluations during annual reviews for all employees within my organization. We always have a group of employees complete a peer review comment form, they deliver it to me (the HR Coordinator) and then I give them to their supervisor(s) without noting names. So essentially, I am the only one that knows what everyone stated on his or her review forms.

    There are some pros & cons to utilizing peer reviews. The first con that I would note is the trepidation of some employees actually giving their full comments (i.e. negative comments). Some employees fear that if they say anything negative, it may come back to haunt them (i.e. their peer finding out that they said something negative about them or their performance) and/or it may get a peer in trouble with the organization and lead to termination of employment. The way that I overcame this trepidation was simply letting time take over. Once each employee went through their own annual review process and saw that we never disclose which employee said what, they understood that their comments were going to be kept confidential. An HR professional can exude and display confidentiality daily but there will always be individuals that are timid about giving negative comments. A second con that I would note with peer evaluations is that sometimes you can get the "halo" effect -- someone rating their peer very high in all areas of performance. The final con that I would note is that it is a process that does take up my time; sending out the email for comments, waiting for responses, following up with those who didn't respond, formatting them (removing names) and then sending them to the appropriate supervisor(s).

    The major pro that I feel peer reviews have is that you can sometimes gain insight into a personnel issue that may not be apparent to both the HR Coordinator and/or the supervisor. When we do receive this insight, we normally "gently" write them into the review in the "needs improvement section" or in the "upcoming objectives" sections of the review. We never start to write someone up or take disciplinary action based on peer review comments.

    In my organization, we ask open-ended questions to gain insight into performance. I don't feel that rating systems give me all of the information that I am looking for usually. Below is a sample list of questions that we ask peers:
    1. In what capacity do you work with the employee?
    2. Strengths?
    3. Areas of Improvement?
    4. Areas of Concern?
    5. Comments on Performance?
    6. Additional Comments?

    We also have employees complete a comment form on their performance over the past year as well.

    I hope that this helps out. Good luck with your decision.

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