Inappropriate Use of Salary Information

I know that NLRA prohibits employers from telling employees they cannot discuss salary information. What about the case of employees who handle salary information concerning what other people make.

Case in Point: We have an AA who puts payroll information in for the department. She found out another employee (who has higher duties) is making more than she is. Of course, she thinks she deserves just as much. The AAs are seeming in our department seem to be congregating together comparing salaries to other employees.

What bothers me is that these employees are using the confidentiality of their positions to gain information and share this information. I feel this is inappropriate. Is this prohibited by NLRA?

This is beginning to cause a lot of friction and I would like to address is appropriately.



  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The AA is welcome to discuss what she makes with anyone else she wants. However, she cannot discuss what someone else makes because she is privy to confidential information. The difficulty you will have is proving that the information people have about other people's salaries came from her breaking confidentiality. If you can track it back to her, I'd write her up for job performance because sharing confidential salary information that she knows through her job duties is a breech of the confidentiality required of her job.

    Margaret Morford
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