Employment Eligibility Verification Records

I've just joined onging company and am in charge of HR. In reviewing personnel files, I've found that most I-9 Forms were never completed by this employer. Employees filled in their portion and there are photocopies of documents verifying employment--employer filled in name and address of organization but did not sign or date form nor did employer complete Section 2 (listing documentation reviewed). Should I ask all employees to complete new I-9's? Any advice on how to handle this situation would be very helpful.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I would contact all of the employees in question and explain to them exactly what you explained to us - that when you recently audited your I-9's, there was some information that was missing. You can tell them that you will be personally contacting everyone who has missing information to update the records. I think you'll find that most employees will cooperate. For those that refuse, I'd let them know that their employment is in jeopardy because these are documents that are required to be completed and verified by someone in the company. Your records are proof that the verifying was never done properly. Document everything! In that way, if you are ever audited, you can prove that you made a good faith effort in reverifying your missing info. Good Luck.
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