Testing and Hiring

Does anyone have any information or know where I can ascertain information regarding procedure,implementation and administration of using a Basic Abilities and Common Knowledge Examination (i.e. math, measurements, etc.) as a screening tool for hiring? Any help would be appreciated.


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Scroll down to the Personality Testing conversation in this section. While the topic was Personality Testing, the parameters regarding testing are the same and they were discussed extensively in that thread. Fortunately, it is easier to construct a test for basic math skills than it is for personality traits. You could construct test items based upon the job tasks, then test out the test on individuals who are doing the job to see how it works (the better skilled individuals should do better on the test. If it seems to work well, follow the progress of the individuals that you hire to see if there is a correlation between their performance and how well they did on the test. It's a bit more complicated than this but this is the idea.
  • We test applicants for math skills and vocabulary (terms used in production) and in some cases blueprint reading. Are these the kind of tests you are thinking of implementing?
  • Yes, we are a manufacturing company that does mass printing. Therefore, math, measurements and a keen eye for detail are essential for a candidate to possess.
  • If you are interested, send me your fax number and I will fax you the tests we use. These were developed in house, to suit our specific needs.
  • This subject makes me slap my forehead!!

    We have an inventory control clerk position that requires basic math skills. We hired several people who we discovered afterwards did not know how many inches are in a foot, how many feet in a yard, how many feet in say 86"'s or how to convert fractions into decimals.

    We created a math test with only 5 problems, all of the above and a calculation for square feet. If they could answer the 4 simple questions, they were interviewed for the job. Only 15% got interviewed. What does this say for a educational system?
  • Only 15 percent got the answers correct? That's barely half!!! My organization doesn't use such tests. Maybe we should...

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