Selling Drugs at work

Today I was informed that one of our employees - a young minority man, is selling both coke and marijuana here at work. It's common knowledge, I am told. This new information fits with performance issues he has. I recently gave him a verbal warning for sleeping on the job, excessive personal phone calls, lack of follow-through and low productivity on projects (his supevisor complains that he has to be "babysat").
My instinct is to set up a "sting" but having a by-the-books employee I trust inquire about buying some drugs from him. But, that seems fraught with potential problems. Is that ethical? Legal?
How should I handle this situation?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-21-02 AT 06:58PM (CST)[/font][p]One of the things you should do is contact your local police department, since the allegation is of what presumably is an illegal act in your state. They will either handle or suggest what you can or should do.

    Or, contact your legal counsel on the direction you should take. Normally, I would say investigate, but given that there is allegation of criminal activity, you need to touch bases with the approrpiate legal sources or authorities before proceeding.

  • I would not set up a sting with a co-employee. A lot of bad things could come of it, including that the co-employee could end up injuried, etc.

    Here is my question: What information do you have that he is selling drugs. Obviously someone has reported it. If that person was a witness, have them write up a statement, then fire the guy. If it is all rumor an innuendo, then do some investigation and see if you can develop better information. Keep a close eye on this guy, if everybody knows it, someone saw something.

    Calling the police into your workplace is a serious matter. I would not necessarily do it just because an employee is suspected of selling or doing drugs. If it is untrue, the employee may end up suing the employer for malicious prosecution.

    One final thought: If you have enough performance wise to let him go, then fire him. You may think -- wait, he'll just go on dealing drugs -- and he may. But your company cannot try to be cops. It's not the company's job and it's dangerous.

    Good Luck!
  • OOOOOWEEEE -- Talk about bad news!! Fire him, call the police, and watch the people he was selling TO. Where there is a seller, there is a buyer. You may have a bigger problem than you think.
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