disgruntled ex-employee

I have a strange situation. We let an employee go yesterday that had a very bad attitude while she was here and as it would be a even worse one after she was termed. We do not know for sure yet, however, we are pretty certain that this is the employee that sent an email to everyone in the company saying
"you will all pay,slowly but surely"
Nice, huh?
Anyway, I have filed a complaint with the police and I have notified AOL because that is the address it came from.
My question is "Does anyone have any advice, what to do, what not to do. The police told me to send a letter stating she could not return to company property. Does anyone have a letter like this that I can use for format?" Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't have a letter, but I would be very careful with this employee. Certainly send her notification that she is not allowed back on company property. Also, step up your own security. Make sure that all employees know that she is not allowed back on company property and for them to notify security if they see her around. Consider limiting the entry into the building, or requiring swiping cards to get in. Hopefully nothing will come of this incident, but you never know.

    Good Luck.

  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 05-20-02 AT 03:06PM (CST) by jrobb (admin)[/font][p]This is a tricky situation, and you want to tread carefully. At M. Lee Smith Publishers, we have several resources for you. We have a Special Report on employee violence entitled,[link:www.hrhero.com/special.shtml#violence|Workplace Violence & Employer Liability], which will give you many tips. We also have an [link:www.hrhero.com/spotlight.shtml#violence|HR Spotlight] on the issue. If you are a [link:www.hrhero.com/benefits.shtml|Law Center member], you can also search the newsletter database for articles in your particular state.
    Good luck!
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