Time off for family emergency

Does anyone have any advice on how to handle the situation of an employee who will not be granted one unpaid day off for a family medical situation? There hasn't been any abuse of time off or performance in the past. It's for a serious surgery for the employee's father-in-law (he is accompanying his wife on the out of town trip for one day). I realize it doesn't fall under FMLA, but is there anything other law or protection for this employee? Or is it just as simple as the company saying "no"?

Just curious.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • In Massachusetts we have the "Small Necessities Leave Act" which allows an employee 24 hours of job protected leave during a 12 month period. One of the conditions an employee would be eligible would be to "take an elderly relative for professional services related to the elder's care". Your state may have a similar law. However, if you have no similar state statute I would question as to why the time off is being denied to what seems to be a good employee. I believe the ramifications of not allowing the time off for what appears to be a valid reason will be much greater than if you allowed the time off. If you are concerned about establishing a precedent by allowing the time off, tell the employee it is being done on an exception basis and will not be considered precedent setting.
  • There is no other law, etc. that would cover this. But, I would expect, in the name of compassion that the company would reconsider and let this person have this time off. One day does not seem excessive to me at all.

    I remember when I had to help my husband care for his chronically ill mother and father and often had to leave work to travel, my boss rearranged my schedule so that I could work out this situation. I will always remember this man fondly for his kindness and consideration when he really didn't have to do this for me. To me, this is the true measure of a human being.

    The way I look at it, YOU (the boss or decision maker) may need this type of help one day and you would hope that someone would have this consideration for you.

    I could not imagine working for a company that was this hard hearted.

  • Thank you for your input. This is not the company I work for, we're much more understanding. I'm asking on behalf of someone else, and he was granted the day off - after asking three times - only if the hospital can fax proof of the surgery.

  • After this experience it is time for him to find a better employer.
  • How sad there are still such cynical, suspicious people in the world.

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