Salary Ranges

Would any of my colleagues out there care to share the salary ranges that their companys have for Controller, Human Resources, Executive Secretary, Accounts Payable/Payroll Clerk? We have never had salary ranges for these positions and I've been given the charge to make some recommendations. Can anyone help?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I am in the midwest, so my salary ranges probably do not matter to you in New Jersey, but you can go to [url][/url], click on career center and then under resources go to salary center. Here you can put in your zip code and look at numerous job descriptions. Hope this helps...I have seen it at the MSN career pages also.
  • You do need something local, because salary ranges vary widely from one part of the country to the next, and sometimes in the same metropolitan area. In addition to the web sites you could also buy a salary survey. Do you have an Employers Association in your area - if so, that might be a good source.
  • Having lived and worked in NJ for many years, the best source for information is New Jersey Employers Association. I f you are not a member, join. It is Money well spent. Their resources, to me, seemed unlimited.
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