Change in Banking Center Working Hours

The bank that I worked for was bought by another bank. The new bank has changed the banking center hours to include full service on Saturdays. I have one employee who refuses to work on Saturday. She says she was not hired to do so.

My response was "We are not singling you out, but every employee in the banking center population must now be available to work in a rotation basis on Saturdays." If you are not willing to do that, then you'll need to submit your resignation. She informed me that she would not quit, but that I would have to fire her.

If I fire her, do I open myself up to a law suit?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I once worked for a financial institution and we implemented Saturday morning hours. All employees were informed of this change in business hours in writing and were given a time period in order to make arrangements for child care, etc.

    A business has the right to modify work hours in order to meet the needs of its clientele. The employee will have to decide whether she will comply with these changes or seek other employment.
  • Thank you! Sometimes it helps to know others are going through the same thing.
  • Now, if she had announced to you that she could not work Saturdays because she was of a particular religion that prohibits Saturday work, she might warrant some consideration and perhaps accomodation. However, even at that, you could arrive at the conclusion that excusing one employee from the rotation forever is not reasonable and is an undue hardship on the branch and other employees. But, agreeing with Rockie on this one, she conforms or is looking for another job.
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