Pay increases/Tx.Co.

Employer wishes to put a cap on pay increases. Problem is employees are hired so close to that cap they may be on the job a year and a half and reach their limit. So employee cannot expect any pay increases in their income no matter how long they are employed with employer. Is there anything that discusses this issue?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It sounds like your salaries are out of whack or this cap is too low. You may want to get an outside comp expert to do a study on your current system and the local market to develop an accurate pay scale with sufficient room to grow. This will give you something to take to your boss, will make sure you're competitive enough to attract the talent you need and keep your current talent, will identify anyone who is being overpaid or underpaid for their current job and will enable you to justify this cap to the employees when you do have someone who is overpaid.

    I can recommend someone to do this for you if you do not have someone you trust and want to use.

    Margaret Morford
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