Our current poster only has five employee notices. I see there is one available with nine notices. Which are we required to have posted?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-17-02 AT 02:40PM (CST)[/font][p]G.Neil Companies produces and provides such posters for a price. They stay current on which specific posters are required in each of the states. They will ship you laminated 5 in one posters plus others that are required in your state in whatever quantity you desire. Their toll free is 800-999-9111. You can simply ask them to send you a notice of what's required in your state, or you can begin the order process while you have them on the phone. The costs are very reasonable and you'll be on their periodic update notice list. PS: I have no affiliation with them, but, do order from this source from time to time.
  • I also use G. Neil. The best things about this source is that all the notices are on one large poster and they do send you periodic reminders that you need to update the posters. You can get all this stuff "free" from federal and state government, but you will end up with numerous pieces of paper to keep up with. With the laminated poster, it is clean, neat and attractive.

  • Check out this link: [url]http://www.dol.gov/dol/osbp/public/sbrefa/poster/main.htm[/url]

    Also I requested state required posters from my state's department of labor and they sent a little package that also outlines federal posting requirements as well. Maybe your state does that as well.
  • In Oregon, our Bureau of Labor and Industries Technical Assistance website provides copies of required posters (Federal & State of Oregon) that you can download and post for free. They also have a list of the labor departments of all 50 states which I'm sure will at least have a list online if not free copies to download. They also have great Q&A sheets and so on (but they do, of course, focus on Oregon law).

    The website is: [url]www.boli.state.or.us[/url]

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