Feeling ignorant

I find I use the employer forum regularly to post questions and offer my two cents. Obviously there is more to this website than the forum.

What other areas beside the employer forum have you found useful or you would recommend a look?




  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Okay, you asked for it! x;-)

    Below are the top three items on HRhero.com that I would recommend (besides the forum). You can find lots of other helpful tools in the blue menu at left.
    [ol][li][b]HR Hero Line.[/b] Our free weekly e-mail newsletter on HR & employment law. Sign up or view a past issue at [url]www.hrhero.com/enewsletter.shtml[/url]

    [li][b]State-specific Employment Law Letter.[/b] A monthly 8-page (12 pages every 2 weeks in California) print and electronic newsletter written by attorneys in your state to keep you up to date on your state's laws and how they interact with federal laws. The attorneys also send you e-mail alerts when the courts make important state or federal decisions that affect your company. Read a sample from your state or try a free trial at [url]www.hrhero.com/empnl.shtml[/url]

    [li][b]State-specific Employment Law Center.[/b] This is the most robust feature on HRhero.com. There's more to the Law Center than I can write about here, so you should take a quick tour of the Law Center by going to our home page at [url]www.hrhero.com[/url] . In the Member Login box (upper right corner), click "Take the Law Center Tour!"[/ol]As always, feel free to e-mail us at [email]custserv@mleesmith.com[/email] or call 800/274-6774 if you have any questions.

    Maybe some other forum members who have used HRhero.com can make suggestions?

    Christy Reeder
    Website Managing Editor
  • I always enjoy reading the Hr Tip of the Week. I have often read very useful information in that area.
  • HR Hero is my first stop, but I also frequent the websites for SHRM and my industry's trade association.
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