Targeting Retirees for Employment

Do any of you see any issues/problems with running an ad that targets retirees? Our medical facility would really like to zero in on attracting retired medical personnel to come back into the work force to fill some part time positions.

I can't see where this would violate any law, etc.

Let me know what you guys think. Thanks.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Since age discrimination laws cover ages 40 to whatever, someone could say that you were discriminating against people between 40 and 65 by preferring retirees. Assuming that you would hire someone between 40 and 65 if they applied, you might want to be more inclusive. You could say something like "retirees encouraged to apply" or find out where the retirees are and advertise in a retiree newsletter or visit the senior centers, etc. You might want to contact individuals who have retired from your organization and get ideas from them pertaining to your efforts.
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