In search of . . .

I work in the hospitality industry (for a corporate training facility that has on-site lodging, on-site dining, etc.) and we are in search of sample job descriptions for a Director of Operations or Asst. General Manager. Is there anyone out there who might have something of this nature that you can send to me?

My fax number is (770) 486-3870. My e-mail address is [email][/email].

Thank you in advance for your help!!!


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Hope someone sends you a good description you can use. The larger issue, I think, is that it would be wise for you to develop a standard procedure for writing job descriptions for your particular company. Ours includes a structured procedure and forms for incumbents and position managers to fill out and send back to HR for review and further development of the description. Our forms include such things as 'Essential or key Functions', 'major duties', 'peripheral duties', 'relative importance' on a scale, and percent of total job spent typically on each of those during a normal day. We also include on each job description these line items: Written By, Approved By, and signature line for the person in the job. Be sure to include the standard disclaimer, "Other duties and responsibilities as assigned by supervisor or management" in anticipation of that one individual who will eventually tell somebody "That's not in my job description".
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