Breaks, Lunches and otherwise

Other than the child labor laws, is there a law that says when employers have to give employee's breaks and or lunches? I have only found that the FLSA states that if you give breaks less than 20 minutes they must be paid and my state law is not specific on if and when you must give breaks. One of my employees said that they are not allowed to work more than 6 hours without a lunch break. Is this true? What law?
Thanks for your help.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Check your state wage and hour regulations. In Oregon for example, we are required to provide a 10 minute paid rest period for every four hour shift (or any shifts that are the major part of four hours). The rest periods should fall as close to the middle of the shift as possible.

    We are also required to provide an un-paid 30 minute meal break for every shift that is six hours or longer. The meal break must be no less than 30 minutes and the employee must be relieved of all duties or else the time must be paid.

    These regulations apply to hourly employees. In Oregon, BOLI is quite helpful in providing information to employers wrestling with these types of questions. You might call your state BOLI office and ask for a copy of the Wage and Hour Handbook for your state.

    Good luck! [email][/email]

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