Shoppers Reports

I am an employer in NYS that has just terminated an employee for gross misconduct in regard to improper cash handling. The employee, a restaurant server, was taking cash from cash paying customers and placing the same check on another customers table until the check was closed to something other than cash. 2 different shoppers, from an insured agency, came in and paid cash and the 2 different checks were closed to credit cards. This can be easy to do when it comes to the use of buffets or set menus. SOmeone had told me that in California, you must provide the terminated employee with a copy of the shoppers reports. Does anyone know if this is true in NY? Also, someone recently told me that you must provide all terminated employees with a letter of termination. Is that true as well?
Thanks for any advice you can give!


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Neither is required in Mississippi. A call to your state labor department should clarify both issues for you. Ask them to send you a pamphlet on the subject or either cite you a section of the regs in NY that cover it. Don't simply go with what you're told on the phone by the labor office. You may be talking to an ex-INS worker when you call!
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