Does CPA Certification = Pay Raise?

We have an accountant who will be sitting for his CPA certification test. He is under the impression that he will receive an increase to his pay if he is successful. We have no written policy on this. I'm wondering what the policy of other organizations is regarding this and if an increase is granted, what is the percentage.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I think the proper approach to this s/b whether the CPA is required for the position. If it is, then presumably this is factored into the current salary. If it's not a prereq for the job AND DESIRED by the employer, then I think the employer must decide as to its value. A CPA for a staff accountant may have minimal value to the employer. For the infrequent times this has happened to my employer, we have historically increased the salary by 5-7% and revised some job duties when we determined that this was a good thing!!!! Hope this offers some help.
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