Performance appraisals-accounting for evaluator differences

Our appraisal system relies on numerical rankings in 5 weighted performance categories (which results in an appraisal point total). Wage increases rely partially on the appraisal points. For several years, we have compared the average of all appraisals to the average appraisal completed by each evaluator (six different department Directors). In other words - if the average of all appraisals is 350 points, and Director X’s appraisals average 400, we will deduct 50 points from each appraisal done by Director X. Does anyone else make an attempt to account for the differences between evaluators in a similar or other manner?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I would be surprised if you find many people doing this. It would be better to talk to Director X about what appears to be his/her consistently higher ratings and talk about the importance of consistency within the group. There are negatives to your deduction practice. If I were an employee and found out I would be irritated, to say the least. That would result in employee unrest. Further, how do you know that the ratings of Director X don't reflect a high performing work group? Or, perhaps, everyone else is underrating?
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