
I have an employee who came to me and said our re-location efforts would put them in a hostile environment because we were placeing them near a person who sexually assulted them earlier that year. That assulter was guilty but we kept them employeed and yes, I even met with the assulter's supervisor when we created this plan. The assulter's supervisor, who was fully aware of the assult, did not tell me that the assulter still worked for us and so we together solidified a move plan. I took the employee/victim's complaint and told my boss and someone in H.R. and was told to respond to the employee who filed the claim that we couldn't do anything about it. That employee decided to meet directly with the person in H.R. whom I spoke earlier with to see for themselves if they could get more help. What happened next was surprising, that employee/victim left on FMLA after speaking to the H.R. representative after they were told again they were not going to be given protection and the move would take place. Is this a serious problem and will our company have possible reprocussions? How can we protect ourselves if so?


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