Drug Test Results

We randomly test employees that operate safety sensitive jobs, such as motorized vehicle operators. We had one to test positive for marijuana on an in house test. He also admitted having used the drug recently to his supervisor as well as the company nurse. We sent the test off to a lab for confirmation. The results were negative at the lab. Our policy is to offer EAP for employees that test positive, but if they operate safety sentive jobs and are tested positive they are subject to termination. My question is would you feel safe in terminating with a negative confirmation???


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If your policy requires a confirmation of all positive tests, then I would not be comfortable discharging him with a negative confirmation test. You don't mention how scientific your in-house test is, but sending it to a lab is the only reliable way to confirm the "suspected positive result". I'd treat the test as a negative result.
  • Since he admitted recent use to several people, I'd terminate employment. It seems to me that an admission of guilt is just as if not more valid than a test result. After all, he knows better than anyone else as to whether he did or didn't do it. Talk to your firm's legal counsel but it seems to me you have a sound basis for employment termination.
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