Timely vs. Untimely salary reduction

Last year our company acquired a company that had part time employees on staff. Our company does not have permanent part time employees. We advised all of the newly acquired part time employees that they could go to full time positions in a new area, but the part time positions would be phased out by the end of the year. All of the part time employees either, went full time or left. One indidviudal went full time a couple of months ago and her salary was not reduced (multiplied her hourly rate to get a monthly figure). Now she is in an area that the pay rate is less than she makes. Can we reduce her salary to put it more in line with the department salaries?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • First the "gotta". Can't go below $5.15 per hour. Don't know your state law. Absent a contract (an oral promise might also cause you grief) you can adjust the remuneration for any good business reason . . . that is to say a non-discrimination reason. Personally, I would give her a 2-pay period warning of the new and lower rate - in writing - and include in the note a willingness to discuss it with options.
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