Company Vehicle Misuse

We have several company "floater" vehicles that employees use on an as-needed basis, both for business and personal purposes. More and more lately employees return the vehicles full of trash, covered in mud, lost keys, etc. Company owners want to establish a policy that requires the vehicles to be returned in clean condition with keys and impose a $25 fine when this doesn't happen. How is the best way to do this and stay legal? Any suggestions?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Seems to me, this language s/b added to whatever type of agreement you now have employee's sign. To be safe, I'd check your state laws to confirm that you can FINE employees. A number of states prohibit FINES to be imposed unless there is willfull destruction of company property or negligent use of employer equipment........ Your state may provide for this and you'll want to use this language in your agreement with the employee.
  • If your state's laws won't permit you to fine them and employees are notified that they must return the cars/keys in good condition and they don't, take disciplnary action against them.
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