On Line Handbook Disclaimer

How do you who have your employee handbook on-line get a disclaimer back from employees. I plan to put all the changes from the old handbook to the new, on line handbook in a payroll stuffer. Every employee gets a paycheck stub, so every employee will receive a disclaimer.

On new employees, I plan to go over in mandatory new employee orientation that the handbook is on line and get them to actually sign a disclaimer at that time.

I guess my major question is: is the payroll stuffer sufficient as a notification that the handbook is on line? I am also providing a hard copy of the handbook to every department and each employee is also being advised of this.

Thanks for any help and advice!


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • HELLO OUT THERE! I need some feedback on this. Thanks!

  • We use payroll stuffers all of the time for policy changes and it's never been a problem proving that an employee received written notification of the change. As long as you have a signed & dated disclaimer from each employee stating that they understand where they can access the handbook that would be sufficient enough for me. Do they all have access to the internet at work? Are they all computer literate enough to understand how to open, read, and print the document?

    I wish our handbook was online!
  • I would be wary of having nothing signed (either electronically or physically by the employees. They can always claim they never read the disclaimer. You might want to include a place for signature and a request to turn it in to their supervisor on the disclaimer that you plan to distribute in the paycheck. Collect them from supervisors and follow up on those which are missing.

    In addition, I would suggest working with your IT department as to how to put a click through disclaimer on line. Each time the employee opens a policy on line, the disclaimer comes up with a message that "I understand and agree to the information contained in this message," and have Yes or No button options. "Yes" lets them through to the policy, "No" either automatically sends a message to HR with Network ID so that HR can follow up, or presents a message suggesting they contact HR for assistance. You should also ask the IT department how those clickthroughs could be documented should you need them and any related time requirements.

    Good luck!
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