Cut in merit pay

We have a situation where we need to have a lab certified and every tech needs to do their part in making this happen. Of course, time is getting short and no one is helping; the supervisor is tearing her hair out trying to get it all done. Can each tech be counseled as part of their job responsibility that they will do their part or they will have a portion of their merit increase deducted? I don't see any problem with this as long as they know in advance what the consequences will be for not doing their part in this major project.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't see a problem with it either as long as you are talking about adjusting a future increase, and not their existing salary. As with any employee, their merit increase will be based on their work performance. If they do not perform satisfactorily, the increase (or lack thereof) reflects their effort. As long as you spell out their responsibilities so there are no misunderstandings or surprises, you should be OK.
  • I don't see a problem either. You should probably inform the employees in writing that they are accountable for assisting with this project and that it will be measured as part of their performance evaluation.
  • A merit increase is based on meritous performance --- If they don't perform, they don't get the merit increase. You are on the right track, set the goal and reward the ones who achieve the goal.

  • Having worked in places where accreditation, licensure etc were essential to our income and reputation, we had language in job descriptions related to same. That way, people knew from the get go that they we valued the accreditation and expected people to be on board and participate in the preparation and maintenance process. Just a thought.
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