Termination of employment and exercise of stock options

Would like clarification of the law regarding payment of stock options
when agreement states employee must be employed at the time option is exercised. What is the situation if the employee gives notice if the date for leaving is after the date for exercise of options. Are the options then payable? What happens if the employee gives notice and the company terminates them immediately prior to the date options are exercisable?? Must they be paid???


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • 641lee:
    It's extremely difficult to generalize over a topic that is certainly covered by a written document/agreement. One would have to review the stock options document to help answer your questions. I would recommend that you get some legal assistance to determine what options/risks are involved with your questions. It would be purely speculation for anyone to comment on your situation w/o seeing the written provisions. Sorry.
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