Document Imaging of Personnel Records

Is anyone imaging Personnel Records? I'd be interested in knowing what guidelines are being used. I'm having trouble understanding how the imaging of personnel files eliminates paper from the HR Department. I'm thinking document imaging may be great for archiving files, but perhaps not so useful for current records.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I worked for a hospital that microfilmed its personnel files after employee had been gone for six months. The biggest reason for this is storage space of terminated employees. With 1600 employees, we simply had limited storage space. There was a choice of off site storage which is very expensive and very inconvenient if you have to retrieve something or microfilming which takes very little space and you have the records on site to view with a viewer.

    Microfilming is a much better choice and frees up your space.
  • Wow. I didn't know anyone still used microfilm. I am SO out of it. :)
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