2000 Census Data for AAP

Has anybody been able to obtain any information on the new census data. We would like to be able to use the new "stuff" for our 2002 AAP. We usually get started on it right after the 1st of the year. So far, we haven't had much luck in getting info. we need from the common web sites that should have this information. Anything you can share will be appreciated!


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The EEOC has tabulated the 2000 Census data by population but they have not yet tabulated the data into occupational categories for use in Affirmative Action Plans. That set of tabulations will be on the "EEO File" from the Census Bureau.

    The 2000 Census EEO File that federal contractors use for preparing the Availability Analysis and establishing goals is scheduled to be available in the fourth quarter of 2003. That's right...2003!

    Until then, federal contractors will still use the data from the 1990 Census EEO File.

    For some good info on the 2000 Census, you may want to visit this site:


    There is a good section on the 2000 Census at [url]http://eeosource.peopleclick.com/topic/default.asp?TopicArea=11&MainTopicID=1[/url]
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