Work the Holiday

We have off the day after Thanksgiving as a regularly scheduled holiday. If we need our staff to work that day are they entitled to get paid double time and a half or can we give them a day off in the future of their choosing instead? The state we are in is NJ and the workers are hourly as well as salaried.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • In our medical practice, the day after Thanksgiving is a designated holiday, but because our doctors are on call at the hospital, they may need items from certain areas. We usually have no trouble getting volunteers for this day. We give them another day off in lieu of this day.
  • For the exempt employees, it's no problem to offer another day off. For the non-exempt, it's a little more complicated. If your company policy(practice) is to count holiday pay toward hours worked (Employees get credit for 8 hours the day of the holiday), you would need to pay them ovetime for those hours actually worked on the holiday. If your policy (practice)doesn't count holiday hours toward the calculation of overtime, you just pay them for the normal holiday and can give them another day later on as compensation. If you are counting holiday pay hours toward the calculation of overtime, I'd change my policy so that you can give nonexempts another day off.

    Margaret Morford
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