Attorney Requests Former Employee Info.

I received a phone call followed by a fax from an attorney about releasing information on a past employee of ours. Apparently, this former employee is now involved in a personal injury lawsuit and my company has been identified as a provider of health-related services to her in the past (through our company insurance plan). The employee did sign a release of employment/medical information form.

The records he has requested are: all payroll records, job assignment, training and testing records, reports of injury or illness, performance evaluations or summaries, probationary or disciplinary records, termination records, and all other records from the date of first employment to the present time AND all medical and billing records pertaining to examinations, treatments, or consultations of the employee in our possession, from the date of first employment to the present time.

Now, the request for medical records is easy. We don't have any of that information here, our insurance company maintains that information. But they do want to know the identity of any company possessing this information.

What do I do here? This really sets off alarms with me even though she has signed a release. While she was working for us she self-identified herself as Disabled - Acute Asthma/Secondary Diabetes. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


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